• Bruce Jenner

Bruce Jenner (Photo : Reuters)

Bruce Jenner's mom is at peace that he is transitioning into a woman. Esther Jenner said that she respects her son's decision as "it takes a lot of courage" for him to own his decision to become a woman. 

Contrary to the usual reaction of moms when their children tell them they are transponders, Esther Jenner shows she fully accepts Bruce's decision. Even though she was surprised at first, she told the Associated Press Bruce Jenner did not a wonderful job of making her understand what he is going through and what he wants. Furthermore, the whole family supports Bruce.

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Bruce Jenner, who is better known as Kris Jenner's ex-husband and the father of Kendall and Kylie Jenner, has a life outside of the family's reality TV show, "Keeping up with the Kardashians." He was once more popular for winning gold as a decathlete in the 1976 Summer Games and it is really surprising that he suddenly wants to be a woman. The decision to be more vocal and transparent about this transformation came when he and Kris Jenner officially divorced. But mom Esther Jenner said she now has no problem with it. After all, Bruce Jenner remains the same person. He told her as much.

"He said, 'Mom, I'm still the same person.' He said, 'I'm still going to race cars, I'm still going to fly airplanes and I'm going to get my helicopter license," Esther shared. The mother said that while she was proud of her son for being a gold medalist in 1976, she's even prouder of him now as coming out as a transgender takes guts.

Kim Kardashian has long said her side of the family is very supportive of Bruce Jenner's decision. However, she told Entertainment Tonight she is not in the position to share Bruce's story.