• Following the Tel Aviv shooting, members of an Israeli ZAKA - Identification, Extraction and Rescue team work at the scene of a shooting outside Max Brenner restaurant in Sarona Market on June 8, 2016 in Tel Aviv, Israel.

Following the Tel Aviv shooting, members of an Israeli ZAKA - Identification, Extraction and Rescue team work at the scene of a shooting outside Max Brenner restaurant in Sarona Market on June 8, 2016 in Tel Aviv, Israel. (Photo : Getty Images/ Lior Mizrahi)

Israel will no longer issue permits to 83,000 Palestinians after the Tel Aviv shooting that killed four and injured at least 16 people on June 8, Wednesday. The attackers were identified as Palestinians and cousins from Yatta.

The Tel Aviv shooting followed a series of ravages by the Palestinians on Israelis since 2015. Stabbings, car-rammings and shootings were common in various places in Israel, but it slowly declined in the recent months, according to BBC.

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Israel made a restriction on permits to Palestinians that saw a huge impact on the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip and those located in the West Bank. These groups planned to visit their relatives during the period of Ramadan or  were transiting through the Tel Aviv Airport to travel abroad.

Following the Tel Aviv shooting, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu labeled it a savage crime of murder and terrorism. The restriction does not apply to Palestinians who have working permits.

The authorities have been tight in guarding the security around the area that they even banned the Palestinians to enter and leave Yatta since the attack. Nobody can enter the village except for humanitarian and medical purposes.

Suspension of permits to 204 relatives of the attackers was also suspended. There are also reports that houses of the attackers will be demolished.

Two Palestinians opened fire on the shoppers and diners at an upscale market in Tel Aviv. Two women- Ilana Nave, 39, and Mila Mishayev, 32, and two men- Ido Ben Aryeh, 42, and Michael Feige, 58 died in the incident.

One of the attackers was shot by police authorities while the other surrendered. They are now in custody and will remain unnamed due to the gag order issued by the authorities. Both are in their 20s.

Islamist extremist, Hamas commended the Tel Aviv shooting and called it a heroic attack. The group did not admit that they are responsible for the crime.

As an aftermath of the shooting, Israel is putting up more battalions in the West Bank. Additional police forces are going to be placed in populated areas  such as the bus and train stations.

The attack came in the wake of the Hamas' warning that there will be more surprises during the holy month of Ramadan. The Tel Aviv shooting is considered as the most fatal attack since October where the attackers killed 33 Israelis.

"This is a country, which over the course of its 68-year history, has grown tragically accustomed to these types of attacks," CNN quoted former Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. and current Member of Parliament Michael Oren as saying. "We are very resilient."

Despite the threats on the lives of the Israelis, Oren said that Israel would be ready. U.S. State Department deputy spokesman Mark Toner condemned the Tel Aviv shooting and called it  a cowardly attack.

Check more details of the Tel Aviv shooting here: