• LeBron James celebrating over a shot.

LeBron James celebrating over a shot. (Photo : Getty Images/Ezra Shaw)

LeBron James is one loss away from failing to win a championship for Cleveland in his third attempt.

Thus, the rumors have crept up on how LeBron James could leave his home team again if the frustration mounts. After all, he did return to win a title, didn't he?

"King James" actually clarifies that giving the city of Cleveland it's first professional sports championship since 1964 is not the real reason he returned to Cleveland, as he shared to the media. (h/t NY Post)

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"For me, I think from a basketball standpoint, that's one of the reasons why I came back, but it's not the main reason I came back," James . "It wasn't the only reason I came back, and there wasn't just one reason why I came back."

He stated that it was his foundation, Wheels for Education, a program that could grant beneficiaries full scholarships to the University of Akron, is what drove him to come home.

"Personally, what I'm able to do off the floor, as well with my foundation and me being back home - last summer I was able to guarantee all my kids in my program college scholarships," he said. "I'm able to do so many things because I'm actually there, hands on, with my foundation and things that go on. I'm able to uplift the youth in my community and also in other communities. Even though you're able to do it from afar, if you're actually there, I think it's even more meaningful to kids that look up to you for inspiration."

Most critics would remember a different narrative of how LeBron wanted to win a title for his city and even ensured that Kyrie Irving would stay with the team as well as orchestrate a trade for Kevin Love.

His later statement would be dangerously close to being called an excuse if they lose.

"Win, lose or draw, I'm not happy, but I'm OK with it because I know I've given all I've got," James said. "One thing I can say that I've been blessed enough to be a part of seven Finals, and hopefully I'll be blessed enough to play in many more even after this year, win, lose or draw."

Nevertheless, it is what it is: Winning a championship was not the only reason LeBron came back. Conversely, it also follows that not being able to attain is not grounds for LeBron leaving.

Joe Vardon of Cleveland.com would like to remind that while the sport is a major part of their prized players' life, he is also a human being-a husband and father.

"Left unsaid is the desire he and his wife have to send their children to school in the area, where they have ample family and friends. Yes, there's a $21 million vacation home in Los Angeles and long vacations to Hawaii. And, sure, arrangements could be made with James' means for his family should he leave. But that's a lot of upheaval for a man and his family."

It could make for a more interesting summer if LeBron would leave again, but there is now more to his life than basketball. The media would have to look towards other players to provide the entertainment of offseason speculation because LeBron James is unlikely to leave Cleveland.