• Jamal Crawford

Jamal Crawford (Photo : Getty Images/Doug Pensinger)

Jamal Crawford has often been taken for granted, but he is probably the best bench player in the NBA.

Winning yet another Sixth Man of the Year and taking a major role with the Clippers when their top players were injured, Crawford is seeking a major contract and there are many teams that would oblige. All the way to the other side of the country.

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Crawford talked to Dan Woike of the Orange County Register and he discussed his options. Woike has named several teams and among them, the New York Knicks, the Miami Heat, the Toronto Raptors, the Dallas Mavericks, the Orlando Magic and the Brooklyn Nets along with the incumbent Clippers.

That's some stiff competition and on the surface, the Orlando Magic seems like a long shot. However, Crawford doesn't want to close the door.

"I definitely have to keep an open mind and see what's out there," Crawford told Woike. "That's why you're in this position. My preference, like I've said from the get go, is to go back to the Clippers. But, I'm definitely very, very open-minded about the whole free-agency process."

What gives the Magic a chance is that Crawford is not necessarily a title chaser.

"It doesn't have to be a team that's a contender. I don't want to go to a team that's only won a few amount of games, but it doesn't have to be a contender," he said. "At the end of the day, only one team wins. You want to put yourself in the best position to try and win."

The Orlando Magic can offer him an increased role. Most likely, he'll still do what he does best which is to provide instant offense from the bench. However, the Magic just dealt away Victor Oladipo, their starting guard. While Evan Fournier (if the Magic keep him) would be next in line, Crawford could still average the most minutes with the Magic.

Team site Orlando Pinstriped Post mentioned that "adding Crawford makes some sense for the Magic." With a team of young guns, "J-Crossover" has shown leadership and composure in the clutch that the Magic need. Despite not being a starter, he won't hesitate to take the game winner. The Magic lacked that type of player.

Crawford is not the game changer that will bring the Magic to the playoffs, but if Orlando keeps it close, Crawford could be the closer and bring the cliffhangers in their favor.