Just when we thought the chain of major characters death in Shingeki no Kyojin / Attack on Titan has finally come to a halt, Hajime Isayama has something important to tell you: Eren Yeager will die sooner or later!
Spoilers Outline for Chapter 88:
-The chapter is still mostly about Grisha. It's about
-The power of the nine titans will weaken its host and reduce lifespan to about 13 additional years (Not 100% clear if this is at the point of inheritance or if at the point of first power usage, but likely the former).
-Kruger/ Owl also acquired his Titan power 13 years ago. It's evident in the latest chapter that he has few days left since he was coughing blood profusely after eliminating all the Marley soldiers in the border.
Knowing his death will inevitably come, he entrusted his vision of liberating his fellow Eldians to Grisha by passing his titan power to him
Eren has about 8 years left since he acquired his Titan power 5 years ago since joining the military. As for Armin, he has full 13 years to live, having obtained the power in the battle of Shiganshina.
-The meaning of the manga series' title has been finally revealed. The Titans were pushing forward to fight for freedom taken away from them not only by the Marleys but the King within the wall. Therefore, the title "Shingeki no Kyojin" - "The Advancing Giants"

-Still awaiting 100% confirmation but very likely: Kruger's complete name is Eren Kruger. Grisha Yeager might have given his son the name Eren to pay homage to the unsung hero of the Eldian race, the man who started the Shingeki no Kyojin plan.
Courtesy of Fuku-Shuu
Mysteries that need answer in upcoming Chapters:
-The Great East Sea clan. Who are they? Does Mikasa Ackerman trace her origin to this group of people? What will be their role in the Shingeki no Kyojin universe and future battles to come?
-Who is the quadrupedal titan? What is his association to Zeke, the chieftain of the Marley-backed warriors?
-What's the endgame of Shingeki no Kyojin? Did Kruger envision to retake the continent back for the Eldian? World domination once more?