• Lijiang Attack Victim

Lijiang Attack Victim (Photo : Weibo)

Chinese tourists, whether visiting other provinces in the country or overseas, have been the subject of a lot of complaints because of their misbehavior. However, there are also cases when it is the locals who misbehave toward the tourist.

Long Facial Scar

In an incident that occurred on Tuesday in Lijiang in Yunnan Province, two women were attacked by a group of drunk men inside a barbeque shop. The two sustained intensive damaged to their pretty faces after shards of a broken beer bottle used to hit one of them on the hand was used to cut open their faces. In a post on Weibo, one of the victims, Dong, showed the long scar on the left side of her face from the top of the nose down to her chin, Shangaiist reported.

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The other victim had a similar wound and scar also from the top of her nose down to her nostril on the left side of the face. The stitches on the faces of the two women victims are numerous.

In Cahoots with Local Police

What made the attack more gruesome is even if the incident happened in public, no local resident stopped to help them. One of the attackers recorded the incident on his phone, while the other men, after wounding them, even stole their phones and instructed the women to tell the police they had an accident. Their attackers claimed to have connections with the local police.

It seems their attackers were right because the local police was initially hesitant to investigate the incident. However, after Dong’s post became viral on Weibo, a special task force was created by the Lijiang Public Security Bureau to probe the attack which resulted in the arrest of six of their attackers.

The bureau said two of the six arrested were jobless, two are employed at a bar, one is a worker in a sales company and one a ball boy at a golf course.