• David Duchovny (L) and Gillian Anderson (R)

David Duchovny (L) and Gillian Anderson (R) (Photo : Twitter)

It seemed that "The X-Files" reboot is bringing back more of the original characters in the show, according to actor David Duchovny.

Duchovny told CBS Late Show host David Letterman that the remake of the sci-fi hit will bring back some of the favorite characters in the series such as FBI assistant director Walter Skinner played by Mitch Pileggi as well as William B. Davis' famous villain character, Cigarette Smoking Man.

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There is no official announcement yet on who will be back in the series since the deals I place are for Duchovny playing the role of Agent Fox William Mulder and his partner Dana Scully played by Gillian Anderson. A deal is also placed to "The X-Files" creator Chris Carter.

Vanity Fair cited Anderson saying that she was excited to film new episodes of the series that set off her career.

While Fox confirmed that "The X-Files" reboot got a green light, it is still unknown when the series will airs on air, although reports claimed that the new episodes of "The X-Files" in 2016. Duchovny will also star in the upcoming NBC series "Aquarius" premiering on May 28.

Meanwhile, aside from his return to the small screen, Duchovny also embarked in the music industry. The actor-turned-folk singer is set to release his debut LP named "Hell or Highwater" that will be released on May 12. The album will include 12 tracks he wrote.

The actor said that making and releasing an album was a "dream come true" for him and he said that he cannot believe that he has a musical career, according to Music Feeds.