• Earth's moon

Earth's moon (Photo : Reuters /Mike Blake)

The lava tunnels on the moon can be the next big thing when it comes to traveling to the moon; they can be used to provide long term shelter. These lava tubes can protect us from meteors, hot temperatures and also cosmic radiation; which could in turn prolong human presence on the moon. 

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The tubes through which the lava flows are hollow and empty and can provide a very safe and stable environment. This theory was put forward at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference as per reports by News World Map. These lava tubes are no ordinary tubes; they can house in entire cities and thousands of people. This leads to the birth of another theory that human life existence is possible on moon, caged in these huge lava tubes, reports NAT Monitor

The study further encouraged the study of possible lunar caves on the surface of the moon. The scientists say that there is an absolute possibility of a potential lava tube which can be constructed with a thickness and width in such a way that it can house in human colonies.

This is not the first time such a theory is making the rounds of reports. In 1969 also, one such theory was put forward, about deep lunar caves. And in 2006, NASA wanted to have a permanent base on the moon, but this idea was pushed aside due to various reasons.

The European Space Agency also wanted one such base on the moon, last year around November and Russia had made one such announcement as well.

So keeping in mind that the whole world is chalking out plans to touch base at moon, these lave tubes can certainly be the starting point.