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‘Game of Thrones’ Nudity Explained By Porn Star Samantha Bentley: How It Feels To Be Nude On The GoT Set? (Photo : Twitter/GameOfThrones)

Before "Game Of Thrones" season 5 finale titled "Mother's Mercy" aired on June 14, Sunday, the HBO series made headlines with its fifth season's penultimate episode titled "The Dance Of Dragons" featuring Ser Meryn Trant (Ian Beattie) abusing young girls.

In an interview with Hollywood Reporter, David Nutter, who directed both "Mother's Mercy" and "The Dance Of Dragons" episodes, talked about the sensitive scene, which received some flaks from critics.

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When asked about he deals with such difficult subject matter, Nutter said, "It was just a situation in which to be sensitive in what was going on, it was important to make sure we did that in the proper fashion."

According to Nutter, Ser Meryn Trant's pedophiliac scene had to be as honest, real, grotesque and powerful as possible once Arya Stark (Maisie Williams) steps out of the required persona and becomes herself.

Nutter said that "Game Of Thrones" show runners Dan Weiss and David Benioff, as well as editor Tim Porter, thought the controversial scene was a little similar to the style of Quentin Tarantino.

With Ser Meryn Trant's controversial scene, the director said the show runners and the editor thought that "Game Of Thrones" had "crossed into the world of Tarantino a little bit" and he agrees saying, "It was not an untrue statement."

Meanwhile, Tarantino is currently filming "The Hateful Eight," which stars Samuel L. Jackson, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Tim Roth, Kurt Russell, Walton Goggins, Zoe Bell, Michael Madsen and Bruce Dern, among others.

Recently, Jackson gave a teaser about "The Hateful Eight." He told Irish Examiner that filming the Tarantino film was "an incredible experience" and "there's gonna be a lot of blood" in the film.