• bodybuilding supplements

bodybuilding supplements (Photo : buyclenbuterolhq.org)

Although the wide variety of over-the-counter (OTC) dietary supplements on today's market promise their users a perfect body, many body-builders are hospitalized because of their abuse of the items. In fact, the misuse or overuse of bodybuilding products in for the form of protein powders, pills, and bars can cause several side effects and is the top cause of eating disorders among bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts. The reason is that the products burn fat but fail to meet daily requirements of vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and enzymes.       

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Types of supplements available range from whey protein to L-carnitine. They are sold in supermarkets, vitamin shops, and online stores.

A common problem is that misusers of the supplements often look fit and healthy. However, their bodies are in fact unwell and could suddenly become ill.

A new study shows that many men who do heavy workouts at the gym often abuse legal supplements for body- building. They do that to get and maintain a muscular physique.

Medical researchers from the California School of Professional Psychology did a study in which 40 percent of the volunteers boosted their supplement use. A total 29 percent were concerned about increased health risks due to upping their usage, according to The Weekly Observer.

A second study was performed to learn if the supplements were causing eating disorders in some volunteers. It included 195 men. Findings showed that 22 percent used the products as meal replacements.

In addition, 8 percent of the bodybuilders admitted that their doctors advised them to cut back or stop taking them. Meanwhile, 3 percent developed chronic liver or kidney damage.  

The survey also suggested that certain groups were more probable to abuse dietary supplements. They included men with low self-esteem, unhappiness about their bodies, and the cultural belief that having lean muscle mass makes a guy more masculine.   

Richard Achiro is a researcher at the Alliant International University (Los Angeles). He stated that men are using supplements in a manner that risks their physical, mental, and emotional health.

Achiro stressed the danger of using OTC products that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate. They can cause medical conditions such as diarrhea and kidney disease, according to Philly Voice.