In preparation for the major patch, version 2.0.0, Destiny developer Bungie recently announced that it will not host the regular Daily and Weekly event. The hiatus will start on Sept. 8 and end on Sept. 14.
Bungie made the announcement on its official website posting, "When Destiny 2.0.0 update releases, there will be no Weekly or Daily events (Nightfall, Daily Heroic Story, Heroic Strike) available for the week of September 8 - September 14, 2015."
Bungie assured its user base that the hiatus is only temporary. This is to make sure that the upcoming expansion will not be met with any technical difficulties.
The patch will introduce a new experience system, Armsday events, Questification, update on Bounties, new modes and all new PvP maps. The full changelog can be accessed
According to Game Spot, the "Destiny 2.0.0" update will feature major changes as well as tweaks for all players. The patch comes in just days before the official release of the expansion "Destiny: The Taken King" scheduled on Sept. 15. "The Taken King" is the third expansion of "Destiny" following the "House of Wolves" released in May 2015 and "The Dark Below" released in December 2014.
"The Taken King" expansion will cost $40. Bungie is also planning to release "Destiny: The Taken King Legendary Edition" which includes the base game as well as all the three expansions.
Meanwhile, Bungie recently announced the Exotic sword Raze-Lighter which was immediately met with massive hype. Bungie also announced that the "Destiny" multiplayer mode will introduce a new Mercy Rule in hopes of minimizing the outrageous number of blowouts.