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4499633_111012283000_2.jpg (Photo : www.bankofchina.ca)

In Chengdu city, Mr. Huang walked into a bank with four large boxes of small bills cash, including 140,000 half-dollar bills, 28,000 10-dollar bills. The bills are too small for the bank to count by the machine. In the end, it took 5 tellers 7 hours to finish counting all the cash.

"Hi, do you guys take small bills? I've got a lot of them." Huang asked on the phone. "Sure we do. You can just come to our branch with your money." The bank certainly wouldn't expect his "a lot" turned out to be 5 people's 7 hours of non-stop counting and calculating.

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"The boxes are moving boxes that people use when they move. When I saw the boxes I was really overwhelmed. To my professional knowledge, I know for sure we need extra hand for this. So I called one of the employees who was supposed to be off work that day and come in to help." the branch manager, Mr. Wang said. Everyone, including himself all helped count the money the whole day.

The room was filled up with the cash. The pile of the half-dollar bill alone was about one foot high. "It was more intense than the training. I've never seen this much small bills cash in my life. " Wang added.

The training for new employees Wang mentioned is quite intense to most people. Every new employee will have to count 1000 hundred-dollar bills for 10 times each day. But in this specific case, each teller averagely counted about 30,000 bills on one single day, three times more than the regular training exercise.