• An artist's illustration shows a supermassive black hole.

An artist's illustration shows a supermassive black hole. (Photo : Reuters)

A team of astrophysicists and scientists said that an "extremely rare" outer space event happened as a supermassive black hole engulfed a star, sucked by the mouth of the black hole while it released fast-moving flare or hot matter from the black hole's mouth.

The scientists said that the supermassive black hole enveloping a star while releasing hot matter from its mouth is a very rare event and the first time they have seen such phenomenon.

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It can be noted that scientists and astronomers said that while a black holes are space areas where in they are so dense that makes force stops the escape of matter including light, as many said that it is the fastest thing in the universe, when black holes are force-fed a star, then a jet of plasma can escape from the "event horizon" or the rim of the black hole, Eurekalert reported.

This rare event on the supermassive black hole had shown what scientists had said that a black hole would release hot matter and particles as they escape from its mouth when the black hole engulfs a star, Forbes reported.

According to Sjoert van Velzen, the lead author of the research from Johns Hopkins University, it was the first time that they see and observe such event. As they said that this is an "extremely rare" phenomenon, they said that they saw the stellar destruction while it was followed by a "conical outflow" or jet.

Van Velzen also added that streams of stellar debris can make a fast-moving jet. This makes a "valuable input" to construct a "complete theory" of the event, EurekaAlert reported.

Van Velzen is the lead author who led the research with the help of the 13 other scientists and researchers from the U.S., Britain, the Netherlands and Australia, EurekaAlert reported.

The research is "A radio jet from the optical and X-ray bright stellar tidal disruption flare ASASSN-14li" which was published in Science.

Here is a video of a supermassive black hole eating a star: