• "Shadow Moses" remake is not coming to "Metal Gear Solid V"

"Shadow Moses" remake is not coming to "Metal Gear Solid V" (Photo : Kojima Productions/ Facebook)

Kojima Productions owned by Hideo Kojima, the famous "Metal Gear" creator, established his new studio and currently working on a new game for both PC and PlayStation 4. However, Kojima and his team would not create just games.

In an interview, Kojima shared with IGN that his upcoming, unannounced project will be something that the crowd expects, but also it has something new that gamers have not seen before. He also added that it will be a complete video game.

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The Kojima Productions lead by Kojima himself along with the producer Kenichiro Imaizumi and artist Yoji Shinkawa might also make more than just games in the near future.

Kojima and his colleagues are concentrating on the digital content, so that means they may also consider animations, movies, and everything in between. He also said that he really thinks that most people will expect games from him, so he will also focus on creating compelling games. Furthermore, the developer said that once they have already established IP in games and something solid that will satisfy the people, then that will be the right time to consider creating movies and videos, Denver Post reported.

Kojima is known as a self-professed cinephile. In his Twitter profile, it says that 70 percent of his body is made of movies. Added to that is his interest in working with great directors just like Guillermo del Toro. Kojima and Shinkawa have not said any more details on their new venture.

Kojima Productions and its plans to create movies should not come as much of a surprise at all.