Jay Chou, Hannah Quinlivan get married in UK
Jay Chou, Hannah Quinlivan get married in UK
Staff Reporter | Jan 20, 2015 09:28 PM EST
Singer Jay Chou and model Hannah Quinlivan took wedding photos in several European countries, such as France, Germany and the Czech Republic.
Singer Jay Chou and model Hannah Quinlivan took wedding photos in several European countries, such as France, Germany and the Czech Republic.
Singer Jay Chou and model Hannah Quinlivan took wedding photos in several European countries, such as France, Germany and the Czech Republic.
Singer Jay Chou and model Hannah Quinlivan took wedding photos in several European countries, such as France, Germany and the Czech Republic.
Singer Jay Chou and model Hannah Quinlivan took wedding photos in several European countries, such as France, Germany and the Czech Republic.
Singer Jay Chou and model Hannah Quinlivan held wedding ceremony at the Selby Abbey in Yorkshire, Britain, Jan 18, 2015.
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