Monday, 2nd, 2024 | 7:23AM Updated
HIV cure and prevention has been in the one of the highly funded campaign by the world organizations to stop the proliferation of AIDS. Recent HIV/ AIDS updates revealed that a first human trials of injectable drug to prevent HIV is already underway.
A Mexican birthday party of a girl, who celebrated her Quinceañeras or 15th birthday on Dec. 26, Monday, had gone viral. An unexpected invitation of the girl's father that reached more than a million of people across Mexico and the United States resulted in one fatality and one person injured.
While the holiday season can undoubtedly lead to excess kilos, author and Zen priest Dan Zigmond says his Buddha Diet method of intermittent fasting can help people remain healthy during this period.
A lot of people finish college wishing they were taught more about money. That is because a lot of people still have no idea how to manage their money or balance their bank account.
Dieting is not easy, especially now that the holidays are almost over and staying in shape was nearly impossible.But there is no need to fret because there are easy steps that can be done in order to shed off some pounds gained over the festive season.
China aims to conquer space with its planned space mission to the far side of the Moon and to explore Mars afterwards. This courageous feat is a testament of the Red Dragon's pursuit of their dream.
A 3-year old boy from Arizona has found a new home just in time for the holiday season.
While Santa Claus may be the symbolic mascot of Christmas and the holiday season, a study has found that people have a higher chance of meeting the Grim Reaper due to cardiac-related problems in the same period.
Recent discovery revealed that a certain type of dinosaur closely linked to modern birds and that of a Tyrannosaurus Rex first lived with chompers but later on grew up losing their teeth. This recent discover somehow sheds more light on the reason why present birds have beaks rather than teeth.
Now that the holidays is in full swing, the celebrations can leave us with a hangover that just makes us want to just stay in bed. Don't allow the holiday stress take the better of you as Phil Mundy shares some home remedies to make this season a fun, yet a healthy one.
Nostradamus predictions for 2017 bespeaks of a potential next John F. Kennedy scenario, while assassination plot against the U.S. president elect Donald Trump continues to proliferate online. Reports indicate that the CIA might have something to do with the rumored assassination and the fulfillment of a Nostradamus prophecy.
The Christmas season is the time of the year when many people give back to their respective local communities.
Now that the holiday season is in full swing and almost everyone is in a vacation mode, it's only understandable to see online traffic of posts flooding the social media. Most of them will surely revolve around how their celebrations are going on but here are some tips and red flags for you to be guided.
"Red in Chengde, Lucky in Hebei" is the theme of the 4th Dingsheng Royal Lantern Fair, which kicked off Saturday in Chengde in North China's Hebei Province.
The Divine Michelangelo, a collaboration between the Shanghai Modern Art Museum and the Florence Casa Buonarroti Museum, is now ongoing in Shanghai to feature the artistic career of the legendary artist.
A "Golden Bridge of Silk Road" structure has been erected in Beijing's Olympic Park.