Saturday, 1st, 2024 | 9:09PM Updated

Puppet theater is an ancienct Chinese art form dating back to the Han dynasty.
Wuhan People’s Theater to Get New Apprentices After 22 Years

Apprentices for puppet artistry are now being trained in Wuhan, a first in 22 years.

A Chinese family sharing a meal together.
Eating Together with Family Regularly Seen as Beneficial, Survey Says

Survey results revealed at the annual Family Meal Day that about 70 percent of Chinese eat with their families every day.

F1 Grand Prix of Belgium - Qualifying
Scientists discover new gene tied to A.L.S through ‘ice bucket challenge’

The “ice bucket challenge” was stormed with supports two summers ago. The challenge was made to raise awareness and money to pay for the research of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or A.L.S. The supporters raised a huge amount of money that helped the scientists to discover new information about the disease.

Nia Green
Live Streamed Video of Georgia Mother Beating Teen Daughter goes Viral

A live streamed video of a Georgia woman beating her daughter on Facebook went viral on Wednesday.

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Theater shows have always been a part of China's rich history and heritage.
‘Silk Road Princess’ to Premiere in Beijing

A dance drama adaptation of "The Legend of the Silk Princess" will be shown at the National Center of Performing Arts in Beijing.

An HIV-positive school teacher wins a lawsuit against a school that abruptly ended his contract.
HIV-infected Malawian man practicing as ‘Hyena’ arrested for having sex with young girls

In a shocking revelation that brings to fore the sexual exploitation of young girls, an HIV-infected man has been arrested in Malawi, Africa for having sex with them as part of traditional rituals.

Children of migrant parents wait in line for lunch in school.
Community Library Established to Stop School Dropouts

Wu Lizhu, a woman from Jieyang, a village south of Guangdong, put up a community library to encourage children to study and not drop out of school.

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‘Folding Beijing’ Is Nominated for a Hugo; Chinese Author Releases New Book

Brilliant writer Hao Jingfang held a book launching in Beijing recently. Her newly published Chinese-language books are "Drift in the Firmament," "Travel Afar" and "Deep in the Solitude," even the famous novelette, "Folding Beijing."

Severe Drought Major Factor In Steep Rise In Beef Prices
Ground beef causes E. coli outbreak in New Hampshire

At least 12 people got sick due to E. coli (Escherichia coli) outbreak in New Hampshire. These people have the same strain of the bacteria. Health officials tracked the source and stated that the outbreak was caused by ground beef.

Study revealed that booze is a direct cause of some types of cancer.
Study reveals link between alcohol consumption and 7 types of cancer

Health professionals want to put warning labels on alcoholic drinks after a study revealed that booze is a direct cause of some types of cancer. The experts reviewed various data, including one from the World Cancer Research Fund, and discovered that drinking alcohol can lead to cancers of the liver, colon, esophagus, larynx, rectum, breast and oropharynx.

City Of Miami Sprays To Prevent Mosquito-Bourne Illnesses
Zika guidelines updated; CDC cautions pregnant women , any kind of sexual contact can cause infection

With the threat of Zika virus looming large on the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has updated its guidelines related to the infection transmitted the deadly virus. Although these guidelines have been issued for the population in general, pregnant women have been given special reference.

Child prodigy Tanishq Abraham, who graduated with three degrees from the American Rover College in Sacramento when he was just 11 years old.
Chinese Parents Turn to Genetic Testing to Know Their Children's Future

When it comes to determining athletic ability, the company looks for markers indicating physical fitness, including endurance, bone strength, muscular development and aerobic capacity.

Metformin, the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes, may be the next great innovation in Cancer treatments.
Type 2 diabetes patients should get flu vaccine to reduce their death risk, confirms new study

Patients who suffer from Type 2 diabetes may now get a chance to reduce their risk because of the disease. A new study conducted by a team of researchers from Imperial College London suggests that getting a flu vaccine may help improve the survival rate among Type 2 diabetes patients.

George Wong's vast collection of Italian art is displayed in Beijing.
Art Collector Displays Collection of Italian Art in Beijing

George Wong, a businessman from Hong Kong, is displaying his collection of contemporary Italian art in Beijing. The exhibition is called "Challenging Beauty-Insights of Italian Contemporary Art."

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