Thursday, 10th, 2024 | 6:16AM Updated

Purely Mechanical Exoskeleton On Legs
Walking Into The Future: Mechanical Exoskeleton To Reduce The Energy Cost Of Walking [Video]

An exoskeleton for your legs, this device works on a clutch and a spring mechanism. It absorbs the energy that is transferred when your feet make contact with the ground and releases it after the step has been taken.

GlaxoSmithKline, maker of Alli
Alli Weight Loss Is Back; Does It Mean It’s Safe After 2014 Recall?

Over-the-counter weight loss pills Alli returned to the market in February 2014, almost a year after it was recalled over possible tampering not only in the United States but also in Puerto Rico.

IBM announced its acquisition of startup company Cleversafe.
NASA, IBM Work Together For A Global Hackathon Project Happening This Weekend

NASA and Bluemix of IBM cloud services are sponsoring a worldwide hackathon. They care challenging participants to design apps that will help solve both space exploration and earth issues.

Brontosaurus Is Back, Gets Its Own Genus, Paleontologists Say

Brontosaurus is being brought back to the scene after stripping it off from the dinosaur line a century ago. The beast, long extinct, was considered unimportant in 1903 after being considered as too similar to those that are categorized under the Apatosaurus genus.

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Senator Rand Paul (R-KY)
Libertarian Rand Paul Taking Untested Path To Win Republican Primary, White House

Can a libertarian Republican win the White House? Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) joined the presidential race on Tuesday. He is taking an untested path of a conservative platform with a trace of libertarianism, to win the Republican primary and White House.

Border collie, the world's smartest dog
Dogs are Really a Lot Smarter Than We Think, Says Scientists

Recent dog research around the world has shown dogs can learn hundreds of words and do pay attention to the words of our speech and not just the tone of our voice.

The National People's Coalition's approval of the new amendment to Administrative Procedure Law empowers private citizens to sue the government.
Power to the People: Newly Amended Law Says Government Can Be Sued

The National People's Congress (NPC) approved the amended Administrative Procedure Law, which now empowers private citizens and organizations to sue the government. Although the revised law is yet to take effect on May 1, Chinese courts have already put the amendment into their legal practice.

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz
Starbucks Coffee Now Offers Free College Assistance For Four-Year Bachelor Degree in ASU To Workers

Starbucks Coffee announced that the company is expanding their tuition assistance for their workers. The management has approved to cover the entire cost of a full four-year online undergraduate degree.

Chinese government employees are now accounted for additional payables in the new pension standards set by the government.
Toward a Sustainable Scheme: China Reveals Occupational Pension Standards for Gov’t Employees

In its heightened effort to develop a sustainable and multi-level pension scheme, China has recently announced the details of the occupational pension standards for its government employees.

Global Warming
Study Reveals That Global Warming is Affecting Tarantulas; Hot Weather Makes Them Go Crazy and Clumsy

According to a latest study, Tarantulas are getting so much affected by the warm weather that they are growing clumsy, reports Nature World News in its latest article. The latest study has been done under the assumption that spider limbs are more or less similar as those of a robot. And since robots start to act clumsy when temperature rises due to fluid viscosity, the same can happen to the spiders as well.

Earth's moon
Long Term Shelter Possible on Moon Trips by Existing Lava Tunnels

Latest reports have suggested that the lava tunnels can be the next big thing when it comes to traveling to the moon; they can be used to provide long term shelter, reports NAT Monitor. The tubes through which the lava flows are hollow and empty and can provide a very safe and stable environment. This theory was put forward at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.

Talks between US and Iran were spyed by Israel
Iran Nuclear Deal Update: Israel Is Skeptical About Reached Agreements, Proposes Changes

Israeli officials are calling out on the six world powers that are negotiating with Iran regarding the nuclear deal as they call on changes about the agreements that have been announced last week.

Nicole DuFault
New Jersey Teacher Nicole DuFault Pleads Not Guilty On Accusations Of Sexually Assaulting Six Students

A New Jersey teacher that was charged last year of allegedly having sex and sexually assaulting six students at the Columbia High School in Maplewood has pleaded not guilty regarding the accusations against her.

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