Friday, 21st, 2025 | 10:41PM Updated

Princeton University researchers have drastically shrunk the equipment for producing terahertz from a tabletop setup.
Scientists Develop Terahertz Chips that can See through Matter

Multinational warships during Aman-13.
China, US and 30+ Countries to Join Pakistani Naval Exercise, ‘Aman-17’

B-52H in flight.
US Air Force will Arm B-52H Bombers with ‘SHiELD’ High-Energy Laser Weapons

Horrific smog in Zhengzhou, Henan Province.
Chinese Government Suppressing News About Toxic Smog Problem

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Planned Nanjing Green Towers.
‘Vertical Forest’ Buildings that Absorb Pollution are Coming to China

C919 roll-out.
C919, China’s First Homemade Passenger Jet, to go Commercial by 2019

Sunway TaihuLight.
China to Reveal Prototype of World’s First Exascale Supercomputer this Year

Kounotori-6 arrives at the ISS.
First Space Junk Collector Satellite from Japan on Verge of Failure

Guy blowing vapor.
E-Cigarettes are Safer than Smoking, Claims Long-Term Study

Hawk jet trainer.
BAE Systems and HAL Push Combat Version of Hawk Jet Trainer for Export to Asia

Cows in China.
Western Scientists Doubt 'Tuberculosis-resistant' Cattle has been Developed in China

U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis.
Mattis Blasts Iran as Biggest State Sponsor of Terrorism

Su-35S of the Russian Air Force.
Russia Unnerved by China’s Decision not to Buy any more Russian Combat Aircraft

In Case You Missed It

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