Friday, 21st, 2025 | 10:41PM Updated

THAAD's X-band AN/TPY-2 radar system.
Russia Again Tries to Frighten South Korea into not Deploying THAAD

3D reconstructions of electron microscope images of tree branch-like dendrites.
High-Resolution Images show how the Brain Resets During Sleep

Turkey Plans to Transform ANKA-S UAV into Armed UCAV to Fight Kurdish Rebels

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Waiting for Ivan
Here’s the Firepower the US Army has brought to Russia’s Front Door in Poland

Fast patrol craft of the Revolutionary Guards Navy.
US Navy and Three Western Navies Hold Naval Exercise off Iranian Coast

Launch of a Hwasong-10 (Musudan) mobile intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM).
War vs North Korea Might Go Nuclear, says Chairman of US Joint Chiefs

USS John C. Stennis, which now patrols Asia.
The United States Remains Enemy Number 1, says China

China is also expecting to cooperate with France on civil aviation, space travel, climate change, agriculture and health.
China to Become Word’s Top Generator of Nuclear Power

An M1A2 Abrams main battle tank of the U.S. Army 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team now deployed to Poland fires its 120 mm gun.
US, Polish Troops Begin Joint Training as Russia Watches in Trepidation

Prototype Chinese carrier-launched AEW&C.
China Leaks First Photos of New AEW&C plane for New Aircraft Carrier

Launch of a Fajr-3.
Test of New Iranian IRBM Fails; US, Israel Claims it Violated UN Anti-nuke Resolution

Saccorhytus coronarius, based on the original fossil finds. The actual creature was probably no more than a millimeter in size (artist's concept).
Scientists Discover Oldest Known Ancestor of Humans in China -- and it’s Ugly

In Case You Missed It

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