Sunday, 22nd, 2024 | 12:20PM Updated

Trump's Helicopter
UFO Spotter Films ‘Blob’ Near Donald Trump’s Chopper

Ryanair Jet
Ryanair Passenger Claims UFO Almost Hit Boeing 737 Jet Bound For Spain

Can you spot the spoon on Mars? This image was taken by Mastcam: Left (MAST_LEFT) onboard NASA's Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 1089 (2015-08-30 01:00:25 UTC).
Neuroscientist Explains Sighting Of Objects On Mars To Pareidolia

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Atlas V Rocket
Miami Residents Mistake Atlas V Rocket Launch As UFO

Chicken Embryo
5 Reasons Why The Corpse Found In Russia Is Likely Not An ‘Alien’

Chicken Embryo
Mysterious ‘Alien’ Corpse Baffle Russian Scientists

In 2014, NASA said Black hole at Milky Way center may be emitting mysterious neutrinos.
Aliens Exist As Discovered Ghost Particles In Antarctica Prove?

A pinkish white UFO was reportedly spotted by NASA.
NASA Space News: Are We Being Watched By UFO?

Two-Spot Octopus
Science Writer: Octopuses are Not Aliens, Evolution is a Scientific Fact

RH negative people are aliens, according to a theory.
Scientist VS Theorist: People With RH Negative Blood Type Are Aliens, Fallen Angels?

In Case You Missed It

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