Sunday, 22nd, 2024 | 6:02AM Updated

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The AMD Radeon RX 480 for the PC model is currently available for $240.
AMD Radeon RX 480: Good for gaming, photo and video editing

Nvidia reveals a 1080p 60 FPS gameplay video of
‘Doom’ gets Vulkan patch support, enhances PC version performance

AMD displays the Radeon RX 480 with Polaris 10 that is more powerful than the RX 470 and the RX 460
AMD Zen APU to have performance of Radeon RX 460 Polaris GPU

AMD announces its latest video card for premium gaming and VR, the Radeon RX 480.
AMD releases newest Crimson driver fix for Radeon RX 480 power issue

AMD announces its first GPU under Polaris architecture, which is the Radeon RX 480 at $199.
AMD set to fix power draw problem in Radeon RX 480 via upcoming patch

In Case You Missed It

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