Sunday, 23rd, 2025 | 7:01PM Updated

The 72nd Venice Film Festival
Venice Film Festival to Feature ‘Focus on China’

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Katy Perry is a popular singer and song writer, best known for hits like
Orlando Bloom, Katy Perry indulge in PDA during Cannes getaway

Mountains may depart but never a mother’s love: Zhao Tao, who lost a custody battle, embraces her son who will live with his father in Australia in Jia Zhangke’s 2015 drama, “Mountains May Depart.”
Extraordinary, Luminous, Gorgeous: Zhao Tao Gathers Praises

Canine star Uggie  of 'The Artist' passes away
Celebrity Canine Uggie Suffering From Cancerous Tumour Put To Sleep

The governor confronts his would-be killer.
Killing Love: Shu Qi, Chang Chen Reunite in ‘The Assassin’

In Case You Missed It

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