Thursday, 20th, 2025 | 12:51PM Updated

The provincial health and family planning commission condemned the incident and called it a “severe violation of procedure.”
China Continues Promotion of Traditional Medicine to Fight HIV/AIDS

Researches explore the probability of some Chinese herbal medicines to be effective ingredients in making anticancer drugs.
More Than 50 Herbal Medicines Hold Possibility for Cancer Cure

Eating soup during the colder weather in China is a great way to keep warm, especially since chilly dry wind often accompanies drafty weather.
Keep Warm with These Food During China's Coldest Week

Traditional Chinese medicine has developed rapidly in recent years.
TCM to Be Exported to the World

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Chinese traditional medicine guru Liu Minru (2nd L) opens her third clinic in Sichuan Province.
Chinese Traditional Medicine Guru Opens Door for More Healing in Southwest China

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