Wednesday, 26th, 2025 | 4:27PM Updated

U.S. and Chinese product safety officials are joining forces to address concerns about the hazards of the hoverboard.
US, China Team Up for Safer Hoverboards

The ArcaBoard hoverboard uses 36 fans to create up-thrust, and requires 6 hrs. charging for 6 minutes of hovering
Is The $20,000 ArcaBoard Worth It?

Hoverboards Cause Fires and Accidents This Christmas

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$20,000 Hoverboard That Really Flies Available By April 2016

CPS Confirms Hoverboards Are Illegal To Ride On The Pavement And The Road
$500 Fine For Users Of Self-Balancing Skateboard In New York City

A Canadian man is the first person to break the Guinness World Records Title for the Farthest journey by hoverboard
Inventor of Hoverboard Breaks New Guinness World Record

    In Case You Missed It

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