Sunday, 23rd, 2025 | 2:33PM Updated

NASA's proposal for a Mars magnetic shield.
NASA Proposes Deploying Man-made Magnetic Shield to Make Mars Habitable

Falcon 9 rocket with AMOS-6 satellite explodes on the launch pad on Sept. 1, 2016.
SpaceX Postpones First Mars Mission to 2020 from 2018

Concept drawings for the UAE's City on Mars 2117.
United Arab Emirates Announces Plan to Build First Earth City on Mars by 2117

The Annual Perseid Meteor Shower
Top 7 must-see astronomical events of 2017 [Video]

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Alien Face on Mars
Is Alleged Face on Mars Photo Sufficient Proof of Life on Red Planet?

MRO image of Schiaparelli's grave.
Schiaparelli Lander has Exploded on Mars but ESA Hails it as a Success

SLS launch (illustration).
Boeing Still Believes it will Beat SpaceX to Mars -- Seriously?

The China National Space Administration unveiled the final design of its Mars probe on Tuesday.
China Unveils Mars Probe Design

HI-SEAS volunteer in front of habitat.
‘Martian Astronauts’ to End Yearlong Mars Simulation in Hawaii

Sulfate veins prominent at Darwin outcrop veins, observed on sol 402 and (right) Garden City image, observed on sol 924. White sulfate veins cut through the surrounding sediments.
Evaporated Lakes on Mars Might Once have Harbored Primitive Life Forms

Wang Yang and Dmitry Rogozin
China, Russia Consider Exploring the Moon and Mars Together

In Case You Missed It

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