• 'Shokugeki no Soma' is a manga created by Tsukada Yuuto.

'Shokugeki no Soma' is a manga created by Tsukada Yuuto. (Photo : Facebook/Shokugeki no Soma fan page)

The showdown between Central first seat's Eishi Tsukasa and protagonist Yukihira Soma intensifies as both master chefs will finally know who the winner is in the next chapter.

This is a winner takes all match as Eishi will have to surrender his first seat to Soma while the latter will have to join the Central faction if he loses. Erina will serve as the judge and both competitors can rest assure that there will be no shortcoming in judging thanks to the judge's God Tongue.

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Soma and Eishi decided to cook a French cuisine with Venison as the main ingredient. Soma used some unorthodox ingredients such as peeled chestnuts and it produced astounding results evident to the judges and Eishi's reaction to its taste. The first seat was left wondering how Soma managed to blend the taste of chestnut with venison, which Erina revealed that Soma used coffee to balance the flavor.

Eishi, however, was not ready to concede to Soma's dish just yet and when he presented his own, the tasters were impressed as well. Erina noted that it was an all or nothing type of dish, as simple miscalculation in blending of sauces would have resulted to unpleasant taste. The last page showed Erina touching the dish of the winner and is set to be revealed next chapter.

Now, fans over at Manga Helpers believe that the match will end up in a tie. User Akia999 said that the match will result to a major event as both students just walking away after the contest will defeat the purpose of their Shokugeki. This event could either lead to Eishi switching sides, Ishiki making his move or Joichiro finally surfacing to Tootsuki to stop Azami.

Another popular theory over at Reddit is Erina not showing any reaction to Eishi's dish justifies the gap between the two. The chapter will be a flashback with Erina explaining what makes the top Central chef dish extra special.

Here is a review of "Shokugeki no Soma" chapter 165 courtesy of user LuffyTDS and he also believes the match will end up with a tie.