• Marcus Lee

Marcus Lee (Photo : Twitter)

The success story of Kentucky's basketball program hinges more on recruiting than anything else.

Coach John Calipari has been the most prolific recruiter in College Basketball. He is the envy of every program, signing multiple McDonald's All American players every year when getting a commitment from just one is already a cause for celebration in most colleges.

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The list of illustrious Calipari recruits can form an All-Star team in the NBA. He has led three players to become first overall picks: John Wall, Anthony Davis and unanimous Rookie of the Year Karl Anthony Towns. Around the league, there is DeMarcus Cousins, Eric Bledsoe, Michael Kidd-Gilchrist and Devin Booker among others.

What is usually drowned out in the spotlights is that the recruitment machine will also have its casualties. As Cal's recruitment proficiency intensified with as many as seven recruits at a time, some players have fallen out of the rotation-and the radar of NBA scouts.

Marcus Lee is one example. He has withdrawn from the NBA draft, but he's not going back to Lexington. Cal confirmed his intention to transfer in UK Athletics.

"Marcus Lee informed us today that he is pulling his name out of the draft but has decided he is going to transfer to a school out west to be closer to his family," head coach Calipari said. "We talked it through together and discussed the team next season, which he said had no bearing on his decision. I also told him he was a semester away from graduating. With that said, he was still adamant that, after the combine experience, a year off and regrouping would be the best thing. As always I support my players and their decisions." 

Some takeaways from the statement. Lee was ready to go pro which would not assure his destination being close to his family. It is probably not the main reason for his decision. Also, if the conversation with Cal had "no bearing" on his decision, Lee is after the one thing Calipari could not give: exposure. SB Nation had the clearer explanation.

"Lee isn't coming back to Kentucky because Calipari recruited over him," Ricky O'Donnell of SB Nation wrote. "The Wildcats are going to be as stacked as ever in the front court once again next season with five-star freshmen Bam Adebayo, Sacha Killeya-Jones and combo forward Wenyen Gabriel joining a mix that already includes Derek Willis, Isaac Humphries and Tai Wynyard."

There is still a scholarship for Lee but it seems obvious what he's looking for. This case brings to mind many "what ifs" about previous Kentucky recruits who entered a stacked roster. Names like Dakari Johnson, who was the no.2 center of his class-had to play behind Julius Randle and eventually, Willie Cauley Stein and Karl Anthony Towns.

He flourished in the D-League but one can't help but think how he could have been a starter at some other college which would have made helped his draft stock.

It's easy to see why a recruit would choose Kentucky. The campus has full support for the team and they have more national TV exposure than any other college in the nation. But none of that matters if you're always on the bench.