• Ben Higgins and Lauren Bushnell star in new "The Bachelor" spin-off series, “Ben and Lauren: Happily Ever After"

Ben Higgins and Lauren Bushnell star in new "The Bachelor" spin-off series, “Ben and Lauren: Happily Ever After" (Photo : Instagram/Lauren Bushnell)

Former 'Bachelor' contestant Ben Higgins found his love and show winner-turned-fiancee Lauren Bushnell on the ABC reality show. Now, it is rumored that the software salesman is thinking to run for a seat in the Colorado legislature.

Higgins' attempt to run for the Colorado legislature seat would be documented in a new franchise spin-off show dubbed "Ben and Lauren: Happily Ever After." The "Bachelor" franchise spin-off starring Higgins and Bushnell was announced last week.

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On the new show, Higgins will explore his life after the show, especially considering his political career options in Denver, according to ABC. On the other hand, Bushnell will be shown attempting to establish her identity post her appearance on the reality show.

Event though the show would be aired in fall 2016, it is still not clear whether Higgins is up for a genuine political run or if it is just another attempt to step up the drama reality on the television. In case this is actually true, 26-year-old Higgins faces long odds, according to The Washington Post.

Higgins is not even a candidate yet and he missed the deadline to enter the GOP deadline in his district. He will also be required to win party's nomination, before finally winning a general election against a popular Latino incumbent.

While the chance of him winning the elections is thin, there is one possible vulnerability for Higgins' opponent in the forthcoming elections, Dan Pabon. The current state Rep and Democrat was arrested in March 2016 for a DUI.

"If he's ever going to have a shot it might be this year, because of the DUI thing," Democratic political strategist Steve Welchert told the publication. "The Bachelor is going to be looking for work come November - if this guy's serious about running for legislature, he needs to move."

Meanwhile, Higgins is busy visiting people like a genuine would-be politician. Recently, he visited Jon Caldara, president of the libertarian Independence Institute.

According to Caldara, Higgins visited her for some political advice, however, she jokingly said that she was keen on having some dating advice from her. The Colorado representative further said that she was left surprised by Higgins' knowledge about the issues that persist in the area.

The following video shows Higgins and Bushnell participate in an interview: