• Pokemon Go: Tips to fix login, humbled server errors

Pokemon Go: Tips to fix login, humbled server errors (Photo : YouTube/ Pokemon Go)

Here are some tips to fix login and humbled server errors.

According to a few gamers, they are banned from Pokemon Go because they cannot log into their account. Recent reports suggest that it may be a error in Pokemon Go. Here is what everyone should know.

Several players said that they appear to be stuck in an 'endless login' screen. One Reddit user said that he believed that he was banned permanently. Here is what everyone should do to resolve the issue.

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One gamer said that he had encountered an endless login screen each time he attempted to log into the game.

Occasionally, he got the the 'humbled server' error when there were no reports of server problems. The player found that the issue was occurring because his account had gotten desynchronized from the Google account that prevented the gamer from logging in.

To resolve the issue, the player said that he had to delete his Google account and begin the game again. After that, he was asked to assign a Google account to his device. The player entered his Google account  again and allow it sync to the device, including calendar and contacts. He was able to go back to the game and it worked.

Other people recommend that if gamers have a problem logging in after attempting the aforementioned fix, they can log out and generate a Pokemon Trainer Club account. They should log in with the account and play for sometime and after that log out and attempt logging again with their usual Google account.

Several individuals who are experiencing the login problem are using Android 4.4.4. If players are still having trouble after attempting the Pokemon Trainer Club trick, they should download the earlier .31 apk and retry the login several times till it ceases failing.

Meanwhile, Fabrice Beauvois, a French mayor, has banned the hit game in his town. According to the mayor, Niantic did not ask for permission before setting up their shop. The mayor is not trying to ban Pokemon Go in response to specific incidents in the town. However, Beauvois does want to make sure a sense of peace and tranquility.