• Brandish of Fairy Tail

Brandish of Fairy Tail

In a pivotal arc of the Fairy Tail manga, there has to be major casualties in the biggest war in the manga's history. Chapter 500 Spoilers ahead.

In the last scene of Chapter 499: "Gray and Juvia" both Juvia and Gray appear to have committed suicide. It was revealed (and expected) that Gray survived. Chapter 500: "Fire and Ice" saw Gray taking revenge on Invel for Juvia's apparent death.

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But it was later revealed that Juvia was still alive. She was saved by Wendy and Charle. There was some negative feedback on this as expressed in Fairy Tail's Subreddit.

From user Strictly FT: "If Hiro and his team don't want to kill characters that's fine. FFS though, stop with this half way nonsense. For the what? fourth time this arc Hiro has set up a pretty good character death only to completely backpedal on it."

There were other users who mentioned that Fairy Tail is really not about death, and they can get that from other Manga series.

Still, even with Juvia not really dead, the stakes have been raised for Gray. Gray has no idea about Juvia being alive and is still in a state of rage. That brought him to defeat Invel but not before the Ice Mage makes one big reveal: That Natsu is in fact the enemy he is seeking-Etherious Natsu Dragneel (END).

It is then predicted that Gray would confront Natsu. Will this battle result in death? Is Gray the likely "major death" that Hiro Mashima promised?

That might not happen in chapter 501, entitled "Mari and Randi." A huge face off between Spriggan 12's Dimaria and Brandish is in the offing. Mari may have figured out about Randi's attachment to Lucy and Natsu as she is accused of having betrayed the Alvarez Empire.

There are attempts to predict the battle at MangaHelpers. User JKo stated "As we progress through the battle Brandish goes full serious and creates and entire country out of a pebble and tries to drop it on DiMaria. But at the last second DiMaria says 'What's a Country to a God' and destroys with a palm of her hand."

Who will win the Mari vs Randi face off?