• Sylvia Day, author of the bestselling 'Crossfire' series

Sylvia Day, author of the bestselling 'Crossfire' series (Photo : Courtesy of Sylvia Day's Press Kit via sylviaday.com)

"Crossfire," an erotic book series from New York Times bestseller Sylvia Day is believed to be coming to the small screen this year, and Day's readers - some of whom recently saw the "Fifty Shades Of Grey" movie - are awaiting air date announcements from Lionsgate Television.

"The Crossfire series centers on Eva Tramell, a young up-and comer in the advertising world, and billionaire businessman, Gideon Cross who are both trying to overcome their devastating and abusive pasts," reads the summary on a 2013 Lionsgate press release.

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"As they are intensely drawn to one another, both physically and emotionally, the two must find a way to heal each other," the summary continues. No celebrities have been named in the television project, so far.

"Is the crossfire series really becoming a tv series? bc if so im going to be super duper happy (sic)," Twitter user @lanadel_lyssa recently said on Twitter.

"Crossfire TV series oh my I don't think I will be able to cope," tweeted @Ginger_Toria.

"Would be amazing to see @ashleytisdale as Eva Tramell on Crossfire TV series. What u think?" User @lucasdaanilo tweeted.

Lionsgate optioned the rights to the Crossfire series in late 2013. Upon the release of the fourth volume, "Captivated by You," in November 2014, Sylvia Day told the media she will be involved in the television production.

"I'll review scripts and remind [television crew] of things that I know as the writer, being very well connected to the fandom of this series, of iconic things: clothing, lines of dialogue, locations, things that they couldn't change because readers would immediately revolt," Day told vancouversun.com.

Many "Fifty Shades Of Grey" readers have also read the "Crossfire" series. Both erotic novels have been pitted against each other, with Day often winning the creative prose competency department. FSOG was released in 2011; Crossfire, about a year later.

"Bared To You" is the first volume of the Crossfire series. It is followed by "Reflected In You," "Entwined With You," and "Captivated By You." The next volume, "One With You," has yet to be released.

Among the names the fans have suggested to play Eva Tramell and Gideon Cross in the "Crossfire" TV series are: Dianna Agron, Blake Lively, Joe Manganiello and Matt Bomer.