• The Purge might get a TV show according to the films' director.

The Purge might get a TV show according to the films' director. (Photo : YouTube / Universal Pictures)

Movies being adapted into television shows are not new and "The Purge" TV series may be next on the list as director James DeMonaco himself said that it is possible.

"The Purge" has had three successful movies with the latest one being "The Purge: Election Year." People have been lining up to see the movies as the whole premise of the films does sound interesting.

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Each year, people are given 12 hours on one night to do whatever they please to each other as all crime is deemed legal for the duration. Of course, the films show that people are violent in nature as they try to kill who they hate during the annual purge.

DeMonaco told Cinema Blend that a "The Purge" TV show is possible and it could carry six or seven storylines, /FILM has learned. He added that it could run for 10 hours in total and that it would be better compared to just 90 minutes of "The Purge."

"The idea of why I like the idea of a maybe 10 hour TV thing on this, the one thing you really can't do on the films is, just because of mere real estate and time, is you can't get into the nuance and complexity that would drive someone to commit a terrible act on this night. Whether it's revenge or out of passion, but what might be interesting in a TV show is with a flashback narrative, if you start on Purge Night but you go back to show how people have gotten to where they are," said DeMonaco.

Besides the storytelling capabilities of a TV show, the series could also prove to be another moneymaker for "The Purge" franchise. DeMonaco even said that there are already deals being made regarding "The Purge" TV series or show, Nerdist reported.

There are no network names yet that have been dropped but DeMonaco could have already hinted that "The Purge" TV show will be made possible soon. Release dates and cast are still far off to be identified considering that there are still no scripts or crew to handle the show.