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Answer traces of your ancestry by opening an Ancestry account. You may be thinking who they are, and what type of lifestyles they had within your family tree? With an initial payment of $19.99, you can fill out relevant spaces.

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An interesting Ancestry feature is the DNA test. For only $99, the power of modern genetic science can unveil the secrets of your roots. It's a way to uncover your true heritage.

How is this done?

Ancestry sends a kit which arrives later at your doorsteps. The process requires spitting through the funnel of the plastic tube until it gets enough fluid to the wavy line. An instruction warns never to overfill. The drool is then sent to a San Diego laboratory.

According to Product Marketing Director for Ancestry's DNA-testing service, Stephen Baloglu, "The DNA is deposited by a robot on a chip along with other people's DNA. Your DNA will now be part of a genetic orgy, which is likened to a passenger seated in an airplane. Things as expected will come out accurate."

The chip is fed to a machine that reads out your genetic code. For info, human DNA is 99.9 percent the same. The difference shows in the remaining 0.1 percent, where genetic markers known as single nucleotide polymorphisms can identify hair color, eye color, type of earwax, and more. These will serve as clues to your ancestry.

The DNA test is compared to a pool of nearly 100,000 indigenous people on file; whose DNAs have also been gathered. It includes those who have remained in a specific place for generations," continues Baloglu.

According to the director of the Masters of Bioethics program at Columbia University, Robert Klitzman, "The results may show errors as the whole DNA sequence contains four letters or molecules arranged in a sequence of three billion pairs; but the tests will only consider a portion of the sequence. It's just like checking the first letters of every page in a book."

The next thing I knew, my DNA result was sent through email. It was time to discover my ancestry. The result showed an Ethnicity Estimate and possible matches with other Ancestry members.