Today we live in an era where technology is evolving every day at a rapid pace. Almost all the industries in the world have gained some sort of advantage with the latest technological implementations. If you want your business to be successful and are looking to gain that competitive edge over your competitors, then using the right technologies can help you achieve that goal. According to design experts at Adobe XD, "Emerging technologies are characterized by novelty, growth rate, and impact on human life. With so many new inventions, it is imperative for design practices to quickly transform their process to adapt to these new technologies."

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But while there are a lot of technologies out there that can help you boost your business due to their quick evolving nature, it is hard to decide which one to opt for. If you have not been keeping up with the technology recently, you there are many new tech blogs that will help you catch up on all the latest. Here are a few major tech trends that businesses are following in 2020. 

Artificial Intelligence

This is the most obvious and the most followed tech trend in the past couple of years. Artificial intelligence is everywhere because the possibilities it offers to the tech world are limitless. Big brands and organizations are leaning towards AI-driven solutions, using data to solve future problems and provide better customer experiences. Whether it is the healthcare industry or entertainment industry AI is impacting everything. The most common AI technologies on which businesses are leaning on includes chatbots, smart assistants, and self-driving cars.

Natural Language Generation (NGL)

Another tech trend businesses are slowly leaning towards is natural language generation, which is kind of a smart talk feature. Now you can use Alexa for more than playing your favorite songs or turning on your room lights. It can soon answer complex business questions as well. A sales manager can simply ask the voice assistant to compare the sales of product X with product Y, and the NGL will show you clean and accurate data in the form of a chart. What NGL does is that it humanizes the data for the computer making it more efficient at problem-solving.


5G has also been creating a lot of buzz in the tech world, and it is one of the hottest topics in discussion. But it's not just the tech world that is discussing it. The business world also has a lot of potential benefits to gain from 5G technology. Mobile manufacturers are regularly optimizing their devices with this technology. And when the consumers are using 5G technology in their day to day life, it will open countless opportunities for a lot of businesses. And that is why companies have already started to pay attention to it.


While chatbots are a subdivision of AI, they are important enough to be talked about separately. It is estimated that by the end of this year, more than 80% of the business will be using chatbots on their website to provide customer support. This technology does not only allow you to be available for your customers all the time, but it also saves you several resources. Chatbots can be trained to answer complex questions as well, so it is not at all a bad idea to invest in them.