• Florence Rigney (C)

Florence Rigney (C) (Photo : Facebook)

Florence "SeeSee" Rigney, the oldest working nurse in America, celebrated her 90th birthday on Friday. Her 69-year-long epic nursing career at Tacoma General Hospital began in 1946.

The Washington State nurse retired at age 67.However, after just five years of retirement life, the United States' oldest nurse working returned to the hospital to clock in.

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Rigney launched her nursing career as a student nurse at Tacoma General Hospital almost seven decades ago. Since entering the School of Nursing she has worked at the same nurses station.

Sheri Morris is an assistant nurse manager at the hospital. She told Today that Rigney "runs circles around" the other nurses at Tacoma General, and has much knowledge and wisdom to share, according to  Today.

During her nursing career Rigney lived in some places outside Northwest U.S., and sometimes took one or two years off work. However, the famous Washington State nurse always returned to work at Tacoma General.

Morris wrote a letter to the Washington State governor, requesting that he consider officially recognizing Rigney's service.

Before doing taking that action Morris informed Rigney that she needed biographical information to share with a Tacoma organization. The Washington State nursing icon then provided 17 pages of handwritten content full of notes and dates, according to NBC 11 Alive.

One day before Rigney's 90th birthday, the U.S's oldest working nurse received a huge birthday party at the hospital, attended by her children and most of the hospital staff. Rigney also received a note from Gov. Jay Inslee, acknowledging her achievements.

Regarding the birthday party, Rigney said that she could not believe the situation. Commenting on her being born 90 years ago, the country's oldest nurse alive said, "Here I am."

National Nurses Week is yearly from May 6 to May 12, the birthday of Florence Nightingale. Nightingale was the British founder of modern nursing.