• ‘Fallout 4’ Update: Crafting To Be Optional, Leaked Gameplay On Pornhub Now Unavailable

‘Fallout 4’ Update: Crafting To Be Optional, Leaked Gameplay On Pornhub Now Unavailable (Photo : Youtube)

Video game publisher Bethesda Softworks stated that "Fallout 4" will be absolutely a massive game, offering 400 hours of playing the game.

The previous installment of the game has a more than 100 hours of content because of the extensive open-world environments and dynamic quest-lines, but "Fallout 4" triples the gaming play. Bethesda Softworks developer Jeff Gardiner said that he had played the game for around 400 hours and still looking for the stuff he have not seen, Gamespot reported.

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With the game's extremely flexible and dynamic crafting system, players can destroy and build their own custom buildings. It would take time deleting and destroying ruins and objects, gathering required materials, and creating ramshackle Megaton. The constructed Megaton includes complete powered computers, electric fences, turrets and a heavily armed townspeople, who are about to protect "Fallout 4's" tower.

"Fallout 4" also offers the ability to customize specific sections of the Wasteland, weapons and body armor. Gardiner has also some tips on how gamer should scavenge for very specific items in the game. He added that players may even spend 10-15 hours just to make sure that mutton pies and apples are in their proper place, and arranging the armor sets in alphabetical order may also take time.

However, Bestheda confirmed that the game will not get any mod support until 2016, prioritizing the final state of the game instead of extra mods. Extra mods may refer to the console mod support that was present from previous "Fallout" games, according to Ubergizmo.

"Fallout 4" will be available for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC on Nov. 10.