• Jonny Mac and Steve

Jonny Mac and Steve (Photo : CBS/Big Brother US)

The true colors of "Big Brother" season 17 houseguest Steve is finally coming out.

On Sunday night's episode of the hit CBS reality TV show, Steve revealed that he was 50 percent acting when he said that he regretted putting Jackie and Meg up for eviction on Thursday night.

During Thursday night's Veto competition, Steve won and was afforded with the chance to nominate two houseguests for the double eviction ceremony. The entire household was rocked when he suddenly chose Meg and Jackie because everyone knew he did not have any relationship with Becky.

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After Jackie left the house, Steve was comforted by the twins, Julia and Liz, and then by their Sixth Sense alliance, Vanessa. At that time, it was made clear whose side Steve was on, according to the Big Brother Network.

Throughout the past couple of weeks, Steve has been regarded as an underdog. In fact, some fans have called him weird because he usually talks to himself and it usually out of the loop.

On Sunday night, the houseguests played in the Head of Household competition and Liz won over everyone else. In an attempt to sway her vote, Becky reached out to Liz and told her that Vanessa has been playing for her own benefit and not the benefit of their alliance, according to Entertainment Weekly.

However, towards the end of the episode, Liz stuck with their plan and that was to nominate Becky and Johnny Mac.

Find out who will leave the Big Brother house on Wednesday night on CBS.