• Klay Thompson

Klay Thompson (Photo : Ezra Shaw | Getty Images Sport)

The rivalry between NBA Pacific Division powers Los Angeles Clippers and Golden State Warriors just got hotter in light of comments from Doc Rivers and other Clippers.

Shots were obviously fired in a Grantland feature on the Clippers by Zach Lowe where Coach Rivers insinuated that the Warriors got lucky that they did not face them in the Conference Finals.

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"You need luck in the West. Look at Golden State. They didn't have to play us or the Spurs. But that's also a lesson for us: When you have a chance to close, you have to do it."

JJ Redick was also quoted: "The championship window in the West is so narrow. Ours might only be open another couple of years. But you need some breaks. Golden State was the best team in the league, but they also had everything go right for them. They didn't have one bad break. I don't have any doubt about the DNA of our team."

Warriors guard Klay Thompson had a great response to that statement, as tweeted by Ethan Strauss: "I wanted to play the Clippers last year, but they couldn't handle their business." (The comments on that tweet are also golden).

Now the fans are on it as well. Blue Man Hoop, the Golden State fansite, had an analogy of Doc Rivers' alleged whining.

"To use the Warriors as a scapegoat for your own team's struggles is cheap," BMH bluntly declared. "That's like saying you missed your job interview because you overslept, but you still deserve the job because if you had made your interview in time, you would have been better than the other candidates."

The Bay Area Sports Guy compiled all the quotes against the Warriors and the players' responses (but he does point out that a sarcastic quip from Coach Steve Kerr is forthcoming). Aside from Thompson, there are also gems from Andrew Bogut.

"I've actually got my ring fitted for my middle finger."

"We respect all previous champs. We'll respect future champs. They don't want to respect us, so be it ... It's one thing taking it from a team that's won a championship, taking those kind of criticisms."

BASG interpreted it as Bogut dismissing the Clippers from the conversation since they're not champions yet. It was also noticed that while the Clippers, Rockets and even the Cavs are harping about the Warriors, the multi-titled Spurs have been respectfully silent.

The conclusion from Blue Man Hoop: "What the Clippers need to do is worry about getting past the second round before acting like school children and whining about the Warriors deservedly winning a championship, a word the Clippers are very unfamiliar with."

Counter shots fired!