• The upcoming OS X 10.11.1 EI Capitan will have compatible update to fix issues.

The upcoming OS X 10.11.1 EI Capitan will have compatible update to fix issues. (Photo : Reuters)

Microsoft 2016 has been facing an ongoing crashing issue. Team Microsoft has made an announcement that they are already aware of the issue and that a patch to fix the issue will be released soon. Also, the upcoming OS X 10.11.1 EI Capitan will have compatible update to fix the problem.

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The OS X EI Capitan was released in late September and many users of office 2016 have found it nearly impossible to use it. On an official statement, Microsoft also announced that the team is in close liaison with Apple, hinting that the problem was on Apple's end and that the team is already working on it.

Microsoft Office 2016 was updated last month, but Microsoft reportedly admitted that no updates or fix were done to solve the bugs of EI Capitan, which was accompanied by a support document. The team stated that they are working with Apple and the next update will have supporting fixes related to EI Capitan.

The most recent OS X 10.11.1 focused for beta developers while testers was released recently. Apple team asked developers to focus on mail and office 2016. The said upcoming update will fix all issues related to mail, such as missing server information and the display of message in app. Also, some new emojis are included in the update from Unicode 7 and 8.

Just like Microsoft Office 2016, Microsoft Office 2011 also faced issues which were completely fixed with an office 2011 update that was released in October.