• Researchers suggest the use of biometric system to monitor the brain and use them to unlock important passwords.

Researchers suggest the use of biometric system to monitor the brain and use them to unlock important passwords. (Photo : YouTube)

A recent incident in the U.S. said that there's reportedly a theft of finger print records of almost 6 million government employees in a single computer hack. Almost 18 million Americans are falling victims to identity theft in a year, said reports.

To escape these problems, researchers in Binghamton University have come out with a mind blowing solution. Researchers suggest the use of biometric system to monitor the brain and use them to unlock important passwords.

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Sarah Laszlo, assistant professor at Binghamton, clarified that they are working on biometric system so as to completely replace existing privacy system of government employees. In the advent of recent hack incident, an ideal solution to ensure privacy and safety is to employ biometric system.

Brain print, the so called security system is the result of efforts initiated by Laszlo who works as an assistant professor of Psychology, along with colleague Zhanpeng Jin.

Almost 30 candidates were subjected to brain test process, wherein brain waves of these subjects were analyzed and recorded. The subjects were provided with a cap that was attached with almost 30 electrodes. Candidates were then exposed to various images and the response of brain was recorded.

According to Laszlo, brain password can be set by recording the response of brain to a certain image. This password can then be set as an official password for all transactions. In case a user feels it's time to change the existing password then he/she can do so by going through the same procedure with another set of image.

Brain print is gearing up to revolutionize the security industry, and according to Laszlo, 20 years down the line, personal phone might hold capability to measure brain activity of its user.