• Reports claim that the iPhone device will sport OLED panels come 2018.

Reports claim that the iPhone device will sport OLED panels come 2018. (Photo : Reuters)

There is a rumor in the air that future iPhones from Apple like the iPhone 7 will be able to squirt water from the speaker ports, thanks to the advancement in technology being made by Apple Inc. News is that future smart phones will be able to dry themselves in case of being soaked in water.

It will be electrical charges that could make the water from inside the phone to squirt through the microphones and the speakers. It also could be a mesh being used to cover the speakers in order to make the phones waterproof. A patent application of Apple Inc. published on Thursday by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office confirmed reports that electrical charges will be used to make the liquid move out from the phone.

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Details on the technology, which will be used and is already patented, can be viewed in the publication made by the US Patent and Trademark Office. This unique feature, as reports say, could be activated as soon as the water is detected by pressure, moisture or optical sensors. The publication also reveals that a second option has also been proposed, where a new technology could bar the entry of water through the microphone or the speakers.

Apple Inc. has also proposed that sound waves could be generated for extraction of water through the speakers of an iPhone. A patent application by Apple Inc.also revealed that it could use hydrophobic coatings for preventing water damaging the inner components.