• Bloodborne The Old Hunters Expansion Out Nov 24: New Enemies (Brador, Bell Holder); New Weapons (Bloodletter, Gatling Gun); Update 1.07 Includes Ancient Bell, NPC, New Covenant

Bloodborne The Old Hunters Expansion Out Nov 24: New Enemies (Brador, Bell Holder); New Weapons (Bloodletter, Gatling Gun); Update 1.07 Includes Ancient Bell, NPC, New Covenant (Photo : YouTube/ PlayStation)

Bloodborne expansion The Old Hunters will arrive on November 24. The developer has disclosed the contents of the forthcoming expansion together with the 1.07 update.

The Old Hunters will introduce devastating new weapons, abilities, several new horrific environments and enemies.

Brador is an ancient Hunter and a former assassin for the Healing Church. He looks to be another formidable enemy in the upcoming title. The Bell Holder is another new enemy that wields a Bell Axe, and is one of the terrifying beasts players will face, according to Game Rant.

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The developer From Software will add some new weapons to choose from with expansion. One of these weapons is the Bloodletter and it is the weapon that Brador uses. Gamers should first plunge the sword into their characters' chest to unleash the full potential of the weapon.

In addition, the developer adds a Gatling Gun to the game, which is a very powerful weapon and is expensive with bullets.

Bloodborne patch 1.07, which was released on November 20, has a size of 9.37GB. The 1.07 update will add a new Covenant known as 'The Federation' or will be known as 'The League' in English version.

Earlier this month, it was disclosed that 'The League' will be led by a strange figure wearing constable's garb and bucket helmet.

Some other items are also added in the new update. These include the new NPC co-op partners and an ancient summoning bell that will let gamers to send off new NPCs into Chalice Dungeons where a few changes have been made.