• Google SVP Amit Singhal

Google SVP Amit Singhal (Photo : Facebook)

Google recently built a prototype lapel pin that was inspired by the Star Trek communicator badge used by Captain Jean-Luc Picard and his starship's crew in the second "Star Trek" TV series. The wearable is equipped with a built-in mic and Bluetooth connectivity that links to Android smartphones. Users of the round voice search device can get answers to questions about a wide range of topics.  

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Google's Senior Vice President Amit Singhal told Time that he had dreamed of owning a real communicator pin. Thus, the Google team built one.  

The main function of the gadget is to provide new ways to make queries using voice search, according to Time. Like the Star Trek communicator, it is worn on the chest and activated by using a light tap.

It is not clear how sound is output. However, it could be through a built-in speaker or headphones.

Google's Star Trek-like gadget is still being tested. It is part of the tech giant's development of artificial intelligence that allows devices to comprehend natural language better.

In addition, its Google Now personal assistant provides information to users before they search for it. Apple, Microsoft, and Facebook are working on similar tech.

It seems that many "Googlers" are Trekkies. For example, executives often make references to the USS Enterprise's supercomputer in media interviews.

Google engineers have been inspired by other Hollywood tech. For example, they seem to apply the talking OS in the film "Her" (2013), according to PC World.

The company has not revealed the source of inspiration for its bug-shaped self-driving car. Theories include the Volkswagen Beetle named Herbie from "The Love Bug" (1968), and vehicles in Woody Allen's "Sleepers" (1996).