• Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox (Photo : Reuters)

After more than four years of developing a browser-based operating system, Mozilla announced that they will stop development on Firefox OS.

Mozilla's chief legal and business executive Denelle Dixon-Thayer said that while Firefox OS had proven its flexibility of the Web, they weren't able to give the "best user experience possible." This follows the halting to offer Firefox OS, Computer World reported.

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While Firefox OS will cease to operate, Dixon-Thayer said that Mozilla will continue experimenting with the "user experience across connected devices" with what the Firefox OS had started after more than four years of development, the report said.

 J. Gold Associates analyst Jack Gold said that it is not surprising that Firefox had "pulled the plug not on a product that, in [his] opinion, it should never have launched in the first place." There is a little chance of success for the Firefox OS according to Gold the report added.

Furthermore, research firm IDC's Ryan Reith said on the Firefox status in 2013 that there is the race will always be between Google, Apple and Microsoft.

For years, Mozilla developed its Firefox to catch up with the OS giants, but competition becomes tigher on the smartphone OS race industry.

In can be noted that Mozilla's early plan is to improve Firefox OS for HTML5 and to move away with the app store models, Network World reported.

Mozilla said they will be intact to continue working with new experiments across connected devices, the report added.

Watch the video by PCMech in YouTube about the preview of the Mozilla Firefox OS.