• Hoverboard

Hoverboard (Photo : Twitter)

Despite all the accidents and fires reportedly happened because of hoverboards, the toy is still selling like hotcakes.

Some retailers like Amazon stopped selling the toy, but it did not stopped consumers from purchasing the device from other resellers, especially this holiday season.

Below are the five reasons why you should buy a hoverboard.

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1. Easy-to-use - Hoverboards are easy to use and easy to maneuver. There is a myriad of tutorials online teaching people how to ride the hottest toy.

2. Portability - Hoverboards are light and portable. Users can easily carry them or load them in their car. Users can take and use them to road trips.

3. Convenience - The hottest toy of 2015 provides convenience to users in terms of transportation. A video shows a person in an office moving from one place using a hoverboard. In another video, a painter uses a hoverboard while working on his masterpiece.

4. Futuristic Design - Hoverboards is a product out of a sci-fi movie. It is the closest thing to the hoverboard featured in the "Back to the Future".

5. Different Functions - The new toy has a wide array of functions ranging from the convenient to crazy. According to Broadly, some couples are having "hoversex," which is coupling while on a hoverboard. The publication interviewed a couple that is doing it. The couple drew a diagram showing how they do it.

Meanwhile, below are the five reasons why you should skip the latest toy.

1. Accidents - The hashtag #hoverboardfail trended on social media platforms for posts that show flailing arms, planted faces, stitches and concussions, broken arms, as well as trips to the ER. Some people do not particularly had difficulty balancing the hoverboard causing ungraceful falls and accidents.

 2. Fires - There have been reports of hoverboards bursting into flames. Apparently, hoverboard problems are related to defective, cheap lithium-ion batteries, so consumers should look for quality branded batteries.

3. Banned In Some Places - A number of businesses, cities and airports have limited or even banned where hoverboards can be ridden.

4. Limited Availability - Hoverboard sales have soared during the holiday season, making it quite difficult to find one in stores or having them delivered without delayed shipping.

5. Expensive - Hoverboards cost from $400 to $20,000. With its limited availability and high demand, the price is expected to go up.