Pokemon Go: Best way to find Gengar, Haunter, Gastly

| Aug 06, 2016 06:26 AM EDT

Pokemon Go: Best way to find Gengar, Haunter, Gastly

Here are some tips to find Gengar, Haunter and Gastly in Pokemon Go.

Gengar, Haunter and Gastly are all ghost type Pokemons, IGN reported.

Many people think that to capture these rare creatures in the game, they need to visit creepy places based on the fact that these Pokemon are ghost type.

Developers of the game dismissed that as a myth. According to several reports, Niantic would not spawn ghost type Pokemons in graveyards for the game as this could show mockery to the resting place of the dead.

Here is the best way to find Gengar, Haunter and Gastly in the game.

Gastly is the easiest Pokemon to catch of all the three of them in the game. It is the first evolution for Gengar and Haunter. Players will require 25 Gastly candies to have it evolve into a Haunter and another set of candies to reach Gengar.

Gamers will require 25 Gastly candy to evolve one into Haunter. They will require another 100 candy to evolve a Haunter into Gengar, according to a Yahoo News report. Players may capture a Gengar or a Haunter in the wild, enabling them to skip this step.

Catching a Gengar or a Haunter in the game is actually rare. According to reports, lures does not appear to attract any of these second and third evolution type of ghost Pokemons.

It is said that these ghost Pokemons will be more visible or have a greater chance of spawning in an area with high game activity. This also means that an area with high activity in the game consists of many PokeStops close to one another or a high number of players in one place.

Meanwhile, here are some tips to find Eevee

Players should concentrate in on highly populated areas. Those who do not reside in a large city should find their closest downtown area and go there, or find a nearby college campus.

Lures will draw in any Pokemon that are in the area. Gamers do not need to look for water or any other special geography. If the Pokemon never spawns near any of these places then players may be in the wrong area. 

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