‘Star Wars 7' Plot Rumors & Spoilers: Force Awakens Heroes Not Related To Leia, Han, Luke?

| Jun 28, 2015 01:50 AM EDT

Luke Skywalker appeared to be the last of his kind in "Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens."

Fans are looking forward to the upcoming release of "Star Wars 7" and an interesting twist to watch out has something to do with the new Force Awakens heroes and franchise regulars Han, Luke and Leia.

According to iDigital Times, there are rumors that the new set of heroes will not be related to the three by blood. However, they will have a connection to one another in the sense that they will be aiming to complete the same mission.

Meanwhile, Making Star Wars also claimed that there is no chance that Daisy Ridley's character Rey will be related to the Solos. However, the publication claimed that the relationship between the new and old heroes will not really be discussed in "Star Wars 7."

In other news, not a lot of details about "Star Wars 7" have been teased as of late. Still, screenwriter Lawrence Kasdan said that the story for the upcoming sequel will be interesting because it will not contain unnecessary plot lines.

According to Kasdan, he does not want to make a film that will not provide audiences the answers that they have been looking for. He added that watching a two-hour film and not getting anything out of it is just plain useless.

Kasdan also wants to make sure that audiences and fans of the "Star Wars" franchise will continue to be hooked to the films.

As of late, it is still unclear whether or not an eighth installment to the franchise will be released in the next few years.

"Star Wars 7" is slated to hit theaters in the United States this coming December 18.

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