'Thor: Ragnarok' Rumors: Tyr, Fenris, Midgard Serpent Added; Tom Hiddleston Not Returning As Loki In The Sequel? [VIDEO]

| Sep 29, 2015 04:28 AM EDT

Thor: Ragnarok is third installment of the Thor movies as part of Phase 3 in the Marvel Cinematic Universe produced by Kevin Feige and Marvel Studios

"Thor: Ragnarok" will have three new characters added to the film, and rumors of Tom Hiddleston not returning to the sequel as super villain Loki.

"Crimson Peak" star Tom Hiddleston shared his opinions on what is going to happen to Loki within the events of phase 3 in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He told ComingSoon that he is not sure if his character could return to the big screen, despite the popularity he recieved from movie goers and comic book fans, and is not yet been asked by Marvel Studios.

Loki (Hiddleston) was last seen at the end of "Thor: The Dark World" disguising himself as his adopted father Odin (Anthony Hopkins) after he faked his death during a battle with Dark Elves in the film. "Thor: Ragnarok" will have Thor Odinson (Chris Hemsworth) return to homeworld of Asgard after the events of "Avengers: Age of Ultron," seeking answers on the remaining Infinity Stone only to find out what kind of hell Loki unleashed upon his home.

Based on Hiddleston's remarks, it was speculated that Loki might not appear in "Thor: Ragnarok" or reduced as a cameo character, but Marvel Studios will likely give a clear answer to these quesions very soon.

In other news, three characters from the Thor comic book mythology are rumored to join "Thor: Ragnarok" film and these are revealed to be Tyr, Fenris and Jormungad, Moviepilot reported.

Tyr, in both comic book and Norse mythology, is the half-brother of Thor, but in the MCU, he is the commander of the Einhejar and is portrayed by Clive Russell in "Thor: Ragnarok." It is hinted that his role in the third film could be expanded as it will involve the Asgardian doomsday event known as Ragnarok.

Fenris is a wolf god and one of Loki's many offspring in the Marvel comics. Fenris was reponsible for tearing Tyr's left arm and was deemed too dangerous to roam free in Asgard. He was prophesied to eat Odin during the events of Ragnarok, making him a possible plot device of what really happened to the King of Asgard after the events of "The Dark World" film.

Finally, Jomungad the Midgard Serpent is one of Thor's deadly enemies within the comics. Like Fenris, he is also a child of Loki and was banished from Asgard. He is trapped within Earth and grew into enormous size. He and Thor have battled many times in every Ragnarok event, and would likely be introduced within the live-action film for the first time.

"Thor: Ragnarok" is scheduled to be release on Nov. 3, 2017.

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