Is Amanda Waller The Primary Villain In 'Suicide Squad?'

| Oct 29, 2015 08:18 AM EDT

'Suicide Squad' is one of the most important films of 2016, as it sets out to help kick-start the 'DC Extended Universe' to compete with Marvel.

Fans have long been wondering who is the principal villain in the 2016 comic book movie, "Suicide Squad." Rumors have claimed Enchantress or The Joker could be the possible candidates, but it now seems as if Amanda Waller is the one to watch.

In an interview with Empire Magazine, director David Ayer hinted at what the "Suicide Squad" would be up to. Apparently, the team is tasked with rescuing an important target, but things went terribly wrong and from there, the plot begins to unfold.

Ayer also hinted that fans should not expect the tried and proven good vs bad type of storyline. In fact, fans should look forward to bad vs evil, and from what he had to say, Amanda Waller is the worst of the evils.

"Bad versus evil is a lot more interesting. And Amanda Waller is the worst there is," according to David Ayer via Empire Magazine published online at Comic Book Movie.

From that statement alone, it is clear that Amanda Waller might ask the team to do something they are not willing to do. This shouldn't come as a surprise since, in the comic books, Waller has always been one of the most ruthless persons of power.

Her mind is usually in the right place when it comes down to protecting the human race, but going overboard at times is something she is known for. The magazine even went on to mention that Waller is the one responsible for injecting "nanobombs" into the necks of each member of the squad to keep them under control.

Again, this is not a surprise because she did the same thing in the comic books.

"Suicide Squad" is the third movie in the "DC Extended Universe." The film is expected to hit theaters around the world on August 5, 2016.

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